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A picture can represent hunders sentences and its right again with this very intutive image explaining the working of a computer.
Hats off to the ananymous artist who created this simple and wonderful masterpiece of a computer. The most amazing part of this diagram is the simple explanation of how the computer peripherals work.
Its all selfexplanatory, I need not stree more explaining that. But the fact is that I have fallen in love this amazing piece.......
The Indian mobile user has mastered the art of 'missed calls' - communicating without answering the calls and causing a revenue loss to the service provider. Consumers/Customers today has turned very intelligent that if something can be done without cost, they really love them. With the call charges soaring new hights, Indian customers has no option but adopt their efficient means of communicating through 'missed calls.'
I personally communicate with my friend through the art of missedcalls and its really an interesting way to convey messages.
1 missed call: If Morning: Good Morning Afternoon: Good Afternoon [people rarely follow this] Night: Good Night and Sweet Dreams.
We generally dont follow the afternoon section, anytime in the day if I get a missed call, it means 'I am missing u badly'
2 missed calls: Call me when u are free.
3 missed calls: Call Immediately
>3 missed calls: Stupid attend the call.
This is how we frame the raport with our friend. I personally have different raport's with different friends i.e., we try to explore every combination to turn out to be young innovators.
This art of missed calls has become a major threat to the service providers. Every Indian youngster with a cell would comminicate atleast 25% with missed calls.
With SMS there is a new language evolving but through Missed calls a new way of expression is evolving.
|W|P|111623563145098376|W|P|'Art of Missed Calls'|W|P|"Daylight Saving Time begins for most of the United States at 2 a.m. on the first Sunday of April. Time reverts to standard time at 2 a.m. on the last Sunday of October. In the U.S., each time zone switches at a different time. The main purpose of Daylight Saving Time (called "Summer Time" many places in the world) is to make better use of daylight. We change our clocks during the summer months to move an hour of daylight from the morning to the evening. If you live near the equator, day and night are nearly the same length (12 hours). But elsewhere on Earth, there is much more daylight in the Summer than in the Winter. The closer you live to the North or South pole, the longer the period of daylight in the summers. A poll done by the U.S. Department of Transportation indicated that Americans liked Daylight Saving Time because "there is more light in the evenings / can do more in the evenings." A 1976 survey of 2.7 million citizens in New South Wales found 68% liked daylight saving. Daylight Saving Time also saves energy."
A whole new alphabet emerged because SMS messages took a long time to enter and were quite abrupt as people attempted to say as much as possible with as few keystrokes. The new phase of SMS is changing every second as young brains trying to experiment their innovations. There is a different SMS language which is almost universally adopted[just by understanding].
Reading a lot of SMS and getting used to that getty and catchy stuff of writing ur own new language which everyone can understand with their senses has always reminded me that the future of reading and writing is taking a new course informally. Hope in future I dont see my children books full of symbols instead of english alphbets.
SMS Text and Symbol Dictionary
:-0 hbtu 0-:happy birthday to you
@WRK At work
2bctnd to be continued.
2d4to die for
2g4uto good for you
2Ht2HndlToo hot to handle
2l8too late
2WIMCTo whom it may concern
4yeo for your eyes only
AAM As a matter of fact
AB Ah Bless
ADctd2uv Addicted to Love
AFAIK As far as I know
AKA Also known as
ALlWanIsU All I want is You
AML All my love
ASAP As soon as possible
ATB All the best
ATW At the weeken
AWHFY Are we havin fun yet
B4 Befor
BBFN Bye Bye for now
BBS Be back soon
BBSD Be back soon darling
BCNU Be seein' yo
BF Boy Frien
BGWM Be gentle with me (please)
BRB Be right bac
BTW By the wa
Cld9? Cloud 9
Cm Call m
Cu See yo
CUIMD See you in my dream
Cul See you late
CUL8R See you late
Dk Don't kno
Dur? Do you remembe
F? Friend
F2F face to fac
F2T Free to tal
FITB Fill in the Blank
FYEO For your eyes only
FYA For your amusemen
FYI For your information
GF Girlfirend
GG Good Gam
GMeSumLuvin Give me some lovin!
Gr8 Great
GSOH Good Salary, Own Home
GTSY Glad to see yo
h2cus Hope to see you soo
H8 Hat
HAGN Have a good nigh
HAND Have a nice da
HldMeCls Hold me clos
Ht4U Hot for Yo
H&K Hugs and Kisse
IDK I dont kno
IGotUBabe Ive got you Bab
IIRC If I recall correctl
IMHO In my humble opinion
IMI I mean i
ILU I love Yo
IMBLuv It must be Lov
IOW In other words..
IOU I owe yo
IUSS If you say s
J4F just for fu
JFK Just for kick
JstCllMe Just call Me
KC keep coo
KHUF know how you fee
KIT Keep in touc
KOTC Kiss on the chee
KOTL Kiss on the lips
L8 Lat
L8r Late
Lol laughing out lou
LTNC Long time no se
LtsGt2gthr Lets get togethe
M$ULkeCrZ Miss you like Crazy!
M8 mat
MC merry Christma
MGB May God Bles
NA No acces
NC No coment
NE1 Anyon
No1 No-On
NWO No way ou
O4U only for yo
OIC Oh, I see
OTOH On the other han
PCM Please call m
PPL People
QT Cuti
R Ar
RMB Ring my
SC Stay coo
SETE Smiling Ear to Ea
SO Significant Othe
SOL sooner or late
SME1 Some On
SRY Sorr
SWALK Sent with a loving Kis
SWG Scientific Wild Gues
T+ Think positiv
T2ul Talk to you late
TDTU Totally devoted to yo
Thx Thank
T2Go Time to G
TIC Tounge in Chee
TMIY Take me Im your
TTFN Ta ta for now
U Yo
VRI Very
X! Typical Woma
X Kis
XclusvlyUrs Exclusively Your
Y! Typical Ma
YBS Youll be Sorr
SMS Symbols Dictionary
X! Typical Woman
(-: Also smiling
:) Smiling without a nose
:' ) Happy and crying
:-( ) Smiling with mouth open
8-) Smiling with glasses
[:-) Smiling with walkman
:-)8 Smiling with bow tie
{:-) Smiling with hair
d:-) Smiling with cap
C|:-) Smiling with top hat
(:-) Smiling with helmet
:-)= Smiling with a beard
&:-) Smiling with curls
#:-) Smiling with a fur hat
:-D Laugher
;-) Twinkle
;) Twinkle, without nose
:-* Kiss
@}--\-,--- A rose
:-( Sad
:( Sad, without nose
:'-( Crying
:-c Unhappy
:-|| Angry
:-(0) Shouting
:-< Cheated
>:-( Very angry
:-O Wow
:-| Determined
:-* Bitter
O :-) An angel
:-9 Salivating
:-|/:-I No face/poker face
:-<> Surprised
%-6 Not very clever
:-( ) Shocked
:-~) Having a cold
:-o zz Bored
:-\ Sceptical
: @ Shouting
:-o Appalled
:-X Not saying a word
|-I Sleeping
|-O Snoring
%-} Intoxicated
:-v Talking
:-w Talking with two tongues
B-) Sunglasses
B:-) Sunglasses on head
8:-) Glasses on head
{:-) Toupee
}:-( Toupee blowing in the wind
=|:-)= Uncle Sam
<:-| Monk / Nun
:^) Broken nose
-:-) Punk
@:-) Using a turban
:=) Two noses
:-# Razes
<|-) Chinese
:-{) With a moustache
:-{} Lip stick
:-? Smoking a pipe
---------------------- George Bernard Shaw wrote: “ The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. ”
Reasonable rational people don’t make breakthroughs; they do me-to products. Reasonable rational people don’t fund breakthroughs; they fund proven technologies and yesterday’s winners. I have nothing against reasonable rational people. They are absolutely needed to take over at the point where entrepreneurs lose interest and run past the limits of their competence. If the world were left just to entrepreneurs and intrepid early stage investors, all their breakthroughs would be wasted for want of competent management to bring their innovations to scale and commercial viability.
--------------------------------- This paragraph made me think more about me trying to be "Unreasonable Man" many a time.
Hope there is some unfelt still to be awaken.......................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!
|W|P|111571660133567431|W|P|Unreasonable Man!|W|P|rajesh.segu@gmail.comOracle is now trying to be a monopoly at the Enterprise segment. Oracle would become the leader in Enterprise Software as Microsoft is in Desktop Segment. I would not wonder if Oracle tries to swallow some more companies to quench the hunger of Larry Elison. I feel I am too young to comment on the staratagy followed by Oracle, but I feel a limited aquisition and more innovation could more and more results. Oracles way of acquiring "RETEK" over SAP shows how aggressive the segment looks. Oracle next eying SIEBEL, leader in CRM market shows clear indication of monopoly. Latest news is, Oracle to take over Hexaware and Covansys PoepleSoft Divisions. "Oracle on Tuesday announced that it has exercised purchase options to acquire PeopleSoft development centres based in Bangalore, India,operated by Hexaware Technologies Ltd. and Covansys Corporation. The purchase options, originally granted under agreements entered into by PeopleSoft in 2003, were acquired by Oracle in connection with the acquisition of PeopleSoft, Inc., in January 2005.The transfer of the two centres is scheduled to be completed in late October 2005; employees of these two centres are expected to become employees of Oracle. Hexaware Technologies, a SEI CMMI Level 5 global IT services provider specialises in enterprise solutions, application management, EAI, e-commerce, and embedded system. Hexaware provides software services to the airlines, banking and financial services, insurance and healthcare industries.Hexaware's global offices are located in New Jersey, Boston, Chicago, and San Jose in the United States; Toronto and Montreal in Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, Netherlands and Belgium in Europe and Singapore in Asia-Pacific; and Mumbai, Bangalore and Chennai in India. Headquartered in Michigan, Covansys Corporation is a global consulting and technology services company specializing in industry-specific solutions, strategic outsourcing and integration services. Clients gain competitive advantage by leveraging our unique on-site, offsite, offshore delivery capability to achieve rapid deployment, world-class quality and reduced costs. A leader in the public sector market, Covansys is also known for application maintenance and development outsourcing in the healthcare, financial services, retail and distribution, manufacturing, telecommunications and high-tech industries. Two of the company's three wholly owned development centres in India are assessed at Level 5 in SEI CMM(r). All three are ISO 9001:2000 certified and assessed at Level 5 in PCMM." My Take: As Oracle is laying off its US employees this seems to be a bit curious move. Hope after the Oracle develops its software over People-Soft, nothing happens to these employees. Wish I dont see more acquisitions implying more lay-off.