8/31/2005 10:57:00 AM|W|P|RAJESH SEGU|W|P|
Unless you're living under a rock, chances are you've heard that Google announced their Google Talk service recently, which ties into ones Gmail account. We'll be focusing on what wasn't announced, and how Google's competition in the space -- Microsoft, AOL and Yahoo -- will be reacting.

When it comes to instant messaging, there are basically three players...

  • Microsoft, with their MSN Messenger service.
  • Yahoo, with Yahoo Messenger
  • AOL, with AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) and ICQ.
IM's growing quickly, but no one sees any real way to make money on it, and no one is pushing too hard against the others. Google is planning a native chat client for Windows, they were planning on having a multi-protocol chat client for Windows. Multi-protocol IM clients allow you to sign onto multiple services via one application, instead of several. They exist for every platform that I'm aware of, and while you generally have to make some concessions in forgoing some features of the "native" clients, they bring with them their own benefits. Google's entry into the IM market is initially bringing them closer together as they circle the wagons -- which is going to cause headaches -- it will hopefully speed up the timeline for serious competition between all the parties.
Find the complete article at IM War
|W|P|112546954811299184|W|P|IM War! Google, Yahoo, MSN, AOL, etc|W|P|rajesh.segu@gmail.com8/29/2005 08:16:00 PM|W|P|RAJESH SEGU|W|P|
I am chanting Google everyday at my workspace and could not control trying their Google Talk! Unfortunately our office proxy never allows any port except 80 for http communication, so could not play with it on the first day. Next day went out to an internet cafe and tried using Google Talk. This application took me around 1min to download and install. At the first sight I could find it to followed the Google style i.e., not blotted too much with colors and functionalities. It had all the standard functionalities but nothing inspiring and exceptionally good compared to other famous instant messengers. I thought they would reinvent the way IM would be used by common internet users but nothing special noticed. I don't see anything interesting which would attract the present youth[one among], who are believed to be the biggest pie of IM community. Presently I couldn't appreciate anything Google except its simple design, standard functionality and small size. Simply saying nothing great about Google Talk. Hope I would see some interesting add-ons in their next versions. For Reviews/Articles , visit Technorati You can convince yourself about Google Talk reading this article Some interesting articles I have come across, Google Talk Tweaks Google Talk Hacks Audio Broadcasting using Google Talk Conference Call Hack for Google Talk Google Talk Tips
|W|P|112533061496338499|W|P|Google Talk! Nothing great!|W|P|rajesh.segu@gmail.com8/30/2005 11:11:00 AM|W|P|Blogger Rajesh Goalla|W|P|Rajesh,I agree what you said.But Google promising rolling out the full fledged IM soon...........So we need to wait.8/30/2005 12:47:00 PM|W|P|Blogger RAJESH SEGU|W|P|Goalla, Google has always been the best at its very first release. I agree it follows the google standards just by reinventing the IM wheel.

I thought I would be seeing something intersting that would revolutionize IM. Google with their innovation and creativity just tried to copy the compitation in a standard way but didn't really forget the compitation which they did all these days.

Anyway an optimist like you and me would just convince ourselves by "Need to wait!"8/31/2005 06:34:00 PM|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Friends were using Gtalk.
They expressed the facilities fashioned in it. I felt out a great zero of inventia.
I commented on them with a little laugh yesterday.

But the response time says the name GOOGLE

Cognizant8/29/2005 08:08:00 PM|W|P|RAJESH SEGU|W|P||W|P|112532670542530582|W|P|Worst!!! Best of those!|W|P|rajesh.segu@gmail.com8/25/2005 11:50:00 AM|W|P|RAJESH SEGU|W|P|
If you'd like your outgoing Gmail messages to display another one of your email addresses in the 'From:' field (instead of your Gmail address), just follow these easy steps:
  1. Log in to your Gmail account.
  2. Click 'Settings' along the top of any page, and then select the 'Accounts' tab.
  3. Click 'Add another email address' in the 'Send mail as:' section.
  4. Enter your full name in the 'Name:' field, and the email address you'd like to send messages from in the 'Email address:' field.

    *Keep in mind that each time someone replies to a message you send using a custom 'From:' address, the reply will be delivered to the 'From:' address rather than your Gmail address. If you'd like replies to be delivered to another account, you'll need to enter a 'reply-to' address. Just click 'Specify a different reply-to address' to enter this information.

  5. Click 'Next Step >>,' and then click 'Send Verification' to complete the process. Gmail will send a verification message to your other email address to confirm that you'd like to add it to your Gmail account. You'll need to click the link in that message, or enter the confirmation code in the 'Accounts' section of your Gmail account, to complete the process. Once you've verified that you'd like to add the address to your account, you can start sending messages using your custom 'From:' address.
  6. Compose to GMail to know the update.
Google services are really Rocking. Hope everyone would make the best use of every feature available to make ourselves productive, means sending more mails/forwards, by communicating with fellow humans.
|W|P|112495107759493393|W|P|GMail: "Send mail from any emailid"|W|P|rajesh.segu@gmail.com8/25/2005 11:06:00 AM|W|P|RAJESH SEGU|W|P|

What does Web OS mean?

The ability to perform any action and run any application from a web-based service, instead of the usual Operating System and the other applications that runs on it.

What plans does Google, Yahoo and Mozilla have in this regard? Read this detailed article which gives fine grained analysis and details of their position to offer WebOS. Article: kotte.org
|W|P|112494991210256171|W|P|WebOS?|W|P|rajesh.segu@gmail.com8/24/2005 12:46:00 PM|W|P|RAJESH SEGU|W|P|
A humanoid robot with an exceptionally nimble knack for getting back on its feet after a fall has been developed by researchers in Japan. Named R Daneel, the robot kicks up its legs and rolls back onto its shoulders to gain the momentum it needs to rock up onto its feet and into a crouching position. This might be fairly easy for a human to do, but for the 60-kilogram bot, it requires a relaxed attitude to body control.

"The robot is not controlled all the time through a predefined trajectory - as is typically done in robotics," says Max Lungarella, who works at the lab where R Daneel was developed, at University of Tokyo in Japan, but who is not directly involved with the project. R Daneel – the R is for Robot – was developed by Yasuo Kuniyoshi and takes its name from a humanoid robot that appears in several books by the late science fiction author Isaac Asimov.

The Japanese bot boasts a sophisticated series of sensors, including gyroscopes, accelerometers, and torque sensors. But unlike most humanoid bots, it is designed to embrace a lack of constant control and instead follow the trajectory determined by the weight and shape of its body during the rocking motion, until it lands square back on its feet.

Flexibility and grace

"At that point control goes back to the robot's brain which is ultimately responsible for integrating the information coming from its various sensors," Lungarella explains.

A video clip of R Daneel in action rolling itself back to its feet can be seen in a video on the researchers' website (13MB Mpeg).

The research project is aimed at exploring more flexible - and graceful - ways for robots to interact with the world around them. "The main idea behind the design of the robot is the exploitation of body dynamics," Lungarella told .

The same blend of control and flexibility used in standing up could also be applied to other robot tasks, Lungarella believes. "All kinds of tasks - particularly dynamics-based ones - can be addressed with our framework. We are currently looking at jumping, rolling, walking, trotting, swinging, reaching and grasping."

Wish robots would accompany humans in their every walk of life. Are these next generation intelligent humanoids a boon or a curse? This is a never ending arguement, which I dare not start.
|W|P|112486844992973830|W|P|Robot, can now stand on its own|W|P|rajesh.segu@gmail.com8/20/2005 09:46:00 PM|W|P|RAJESH SEGU|W|P|
Two days ago I was very busy with my work and went back to my flat late, at around 10pm finishing both my official and unofficial work. Reaching my flat I joined Ramji and Muthu who were enjoying the pleasant and bright night sky chit chatting and passing silly comments. The sky was beautiful than ever with the full moon brighter than ever. Bright white dots were scattered everywhere on the black leather giving a feeling of some master piece hidden beneath. The more we stared against the sky, the more doubts raised. I asked my friends whether they knew anything about the bright concentric circle around the moon [as shown in the above image]. They were very seriously thinking for a second or two and with curiosity asked me if I knew. Making the best of the situation, I just said that it was the shadow of the JUPITER, listening to this their eyes lit up. Slowly Muthu and Ramji asked me if was just a joke or true fact. In return to make this a fact I said them that I got a forward about this and NASA has also declared that true. Between Ramji knew that I was joking and he kept quite to listen what Muthu has to say about this. Astonishingly the discussion went on and Muthu started recalling his rusted geography knowledge and jumbled many things he could connect to the Jupiter's shadow. Why wait, we joined his discussion to make this topic more humorous. To get hurmor heat up, I started with a silly theory saying "The sun rays falls on the Jupiter's surface and its shadow inturn falls on earth." First my friend was comfortable with the theory but later he took some time to flash upon "Jupiter is not in between Sun and Earth but how at all is the shadow formed?". This time Ramji took us to the next concept that its not the Sun's light that makes this phenomenon but Jupiter absorbs all the light from the moon reflecting its shadow. We went on postunlating every silly theory/concept one could ever think of. But we went to an extreme saying Jupiter shadow was bigger than moon, which again had an interruption 'We cannot see Jupiter with naked eye how come its shadow?". With this question the show meant 'THE END'. Recalling how my friend was fooled with a nerd statement, our creative theories and more than all the lively situtation made us laugh rolling on the floor. Next day with curiosity, found this article on "why bright concentric circle formed around the moon."
|W|P|112455512621167078|W|P|Oh! Shadow of Jupiter????|W|P|rajesh.segu@gmail.com8/17/2005 03:30:00 PM|W|P|RAJESH SEGU|W|P|
On August 8th, 2005 Tim Mayer of Yahoo! posted on the Yahoo! Search Blog that the “[Yahoo!] index now provides access to over 20 billion items” which include “19.2 billion web documents, 1.6 billion images, and over 50 million audio and video files”. [1] Two days later, on his blog, University of California at Berkeley Visiting Professor John Battelle reported that Google refuted this claim saying “[their] scientists are not seeing the increase claimed in the Yahoo! index”. [2] In order to test Yahoo!'s claims, Matthew Cheney and Mike Perry, two researchers working for the National Center for Supercomputing Application (NCSA) under the supervision of Associate Director of Humanities and Social Sciences Dr. Orville Vernon Burton, conducted a brief study of the indices of the two search engines. Over a period of 18 hours using computing resources at both at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), we conduct a random sample of 10,012 searches of Yahoo! and Google. Based on this random sample, we found that on average Yahoo! only returns 37.4% of the results that Google does and, in many cases, returns significantly less. As our search results indicate, there are a number of cases in which Google returns dozens of results while Yahoo! only returns one or two results, or none at all. Due to the search display cap of 1,000 results and our deliberate efforts for obscure documents, these averages are of course small. Based on the data created from our sample searches, this study concludes that a user can expect, on average, to receive 166.9% more results using the Google search engine than the Yahoo! search engine. In fact, in the 10,012 test cases we ran, only in 3% of the cases (307) did Yahoo! return more results. In 96.6% of the cases (9676) Google returned more results. In less than 1% of the cases (29) both search engines returned the same number of results.

It is the opinion of this study that Yahoo!'s claim to have a web index of over twice as many documents as Google's index is suspicious. Unless a large number of the documents Yahoo! has indexed are not yet available to its search engine or if the Yahoo! search engine is not returning all the documents that match our specific search queries, we find it puzzling that Yahoo!'s search engine consistently returned fewer results than Google.

For detailed comparision including figures, methodology and results visit NCSA
|W|P|112427331283080106|W|P|Comparison of Yahoo! and Google Indices|W|P|rajesh.segu@gmail.com8/17/2005 02:05:00 PM|W|P|RAJESH SEGU|W|P|
All Personal Computers in the world require a keyboard or similar input device in order to enter information into the computer or to control it. A typical computer keyboard has a set of keys. Each key has a static character printed or etched onto its surface, according to a specific alphabetic language or functional layout. A wide variety of languages and the constrained square of the single keys are factors which CAUSE manufacturers to produce keyboards with specific characters printed on the key caps. These specialized keyboards create difficulties for many users who uses several different languages (at least 2) or who use specialty applications for home, graphic, entertainment and others. The multi-lingual keyboard is a totally new product in the HID (Human Interface Device) and as a result, is a highly versatile device for data-entry.

There are many advantages of having such a keyboard, (not to mention the fun and prestige!) such as:

  • No more templates!
  • No extra keyboards!
  • Reduced inventory!
  • Space saving!
  • No stickers on key caps!
  • Time savings!
The multilingual keyboard iKeyTypePro is intended for inputting information into the computer which allows the user to control it. Typical input information is simply entered as with any standard type of keyboard, by pressing the desired keys as needed according to the displayed image on the key cap.

Each key has a display to show characters according to the specifically selected keyboard map. When a layout map is changed, the images displayed on each of the keys also change according to the new map layout, thus allowing the user to see all the desired characters/symbols during data input. Each key has a display on it to show the character according to the keyboard layout map. When the layout map is changed, the image on each key is changed according to the new keyboard map, thus allowing the user to see the new set of characters (symbols) and input according to the map selected.

courtesy: iKeys
|W|P|112426873669766536|W|P|iKeys|W|P|rajesh.segu@gmail.com8/08/2005 12:14:00 PM|W|P|RAJESH SEGU|W|P|
Did you know we have an 'Time Machine of Internet'. Internet archive a non-profit organization is on its way to collect library of website screenshots covering every nuke and corner of internet. The sweetest part is that they take screenshots in regular intervals [likely] and archive it. The claim to have plans to extend this to build an 'Internet Library'. Isn't this idea really cooooooooooooool? For instance , I am blown away. 'WayBack Machine', their unique offering over the archived library, takes us back in time with respect to the internet. This means it takes back to memories of the sites years ago. WayBackMachine is again a google interface, which accepts an url and redirects you to their various archives they have for the site since they have started archiving. Just type in http://www.yahoo.com for example and you can redirected see all the various archives of screenshots of yahoo.com site taken over a period of time in many intervals. So now I know how Yahoo evolved. 'Way Back Machine' helps everyone understand how the internet evolved and got morphed over a period of time since it started archiving digital screenshots. One can know how a company evolved and made progress in terms of usability, attractiveness, services, etc. Lots one can learn on the various aspects of internet, competition and growth. Archive.org , must watch site for aspiring members of internet society.
|W|P|112348383267260661|W|P|Way Back Machine|W|P|rajesh.segu@gmail.com8/08/2005 11:50:00 AM|W|P|RAJESH SEGU|W|P|
Don't start blinking at the subject, I am speaking about 'Spell Check' of Blogger. Its very sad to see the Spell Check of Blogger is not very updated and does not have the power to learn words dynamically. For instance it cannot understand 'Blog' and 'Blogger', how annoying to know Google neglecting the most imporatant Spell Check. Presently Spell Check is missing its heart and soul. Any suggestions for next generation spell checking idea and tools?????
|W|P|112348348375925578|W|P|Blogger cannot understand - 'Blogger','Blog'|W|P|rajesh.segu@gmail.com8/07/2005 10:31:00 PM|W|P|RAJESH SEGU|W|P|
SPYWARE - Spyware is often called Trojanware. Basically it's software installed on your system (often without you being aware of it) that sends information back to a third party without your knowledge; or to put it another way - a program which spies on you.
MALWARE - These can just simply be defined as programs that you did not ask for, and when executed, does things that you would just never want done to your computer.
ADWARE - Adware is a term used to describe programs in which advertising banners, pop-ups and other messages are displayed. It's often a trade off as a result of installing a free program - the program developers have a choice of charging for the program or making it available for free and generating income through advertising.
AUTHORWARE - See Shareware.
BANNERWARE - Pretty much the same as Adware. Generally free programs supported by advertising banners.
BETAWARE - Software in it's developmental stage. Made available so users can provide the author with feedback. Because it's not been fully tested it can be unstable, conflict with other programs and may cause serious errors with your computer - best left for those who know what they're doing.
CAUTIONWARE - Software which is used at your own risk, be careful here as it could indicate that things aren't quite right with the program.
CRIPPLEWARE - See Liteware.
DEALERWARE - Name after dealers who supply drugs for free until the user is hooked and then has to pay for them. In a similar manner the software is initially free. Sometimes the cost isn't made known until the user has become accustomed to the program, relies on it and has created files that can only be run by the program.
DEMOWARE - See Trialware.
FREEWARE - Free of charge and without limitations. Quite often freeware versions are simplified versions of a commercial program, the authors hope you like the free version and upgrade to the commercial one. Others are simply made available through the goodwill of the author.
LITEWARE - Software that is made available but with some features disabled or other reduced functionality. The paid for version is fully functioning.
NAGWARE - Usually a free program that that uses 'nag-screens' - these periodically pop up encouraging you to buy the commercial version (which doesn't have the nag-screens).
PUSHERWARE - See Dealerware.
SHAREWARE - Initially free of charge but if you wish to keep the product you are expected to pay for it. There may be some functions which are disabled in the trial version.
TRIALWARE - Free of charge for a period of time or a fixed number of uses. Once the limit is reached the program usually 'shuts ' in full or in part. It's a case of try before you buy.
|W|P|112343423959587536|W|P|Types of Ware's|W|P|rajesh.segu@gmail.com8/06/2005 09:12:00 PM|W|P|RAJESH SEGU|W|P|Steve Rubel provides a list of 10 trends to watch out for the next 10 years. I like the compilation for its richness and internal coherence. The List goes as under:

1. The Long Tail - small players can collectively make up a market that rivals the giants. As Seth says, small is the new big. This applies equally for journalism as well as for marketers.

2. The Read Write Web/Web 2.0 – technologies like Ajax will make the web more dynamic, turning it into a full-fledged platform. Wither the desktop.

3. Timeshifting – consumers will increasingly want to devour media on their own time, on the mobile device of their choice and without commercials

4. Collaborative Categorization – consumers, using technology, will create their own taxonomies that make it easier to find information. This is sometimes called tagging, social search or folksonomies. However, this is just the beginning.

5. Citizen Marketing – consumers will organize – either on their own or with the help of companies – to evangelize products they love and vilify those they don’t

6. The Daily Me – it’s finally here; RSS, AI and personal search tools will make it easier for people to seek out only the news they care about and tune out all else

7. It’s All a Conversation – as journalism becomes a conversation, so will marketing - just like Cluetrain said.

8. What’s Inside is Outside – mobile devices and consumer generated media mean that whatever a single eye beholds so can the world.

9. Trust Marketing – people will increasingly use social networking technology to tune in messages from individuals they trust (including citizen journalists) and tune out everyone else

10. Decentralized Communication – armies of individual employees will use technology to become the voice of every company; like it or not. The solo singer is dead. Long live the chorus.

What's on your list?

courtesy: Steve Rubel|W|P|112334340071024457|W|P|Key Technologies for next 10 years!|W|P|rajesh.segu@gmail.com8/06/2005 01:23:00 PM|W|P|RAJESH SEGU|W|P|
A universal format for confirmation dialogue is the good one followed by a bad one. A windows format for confirmation has always the positive action of the first tab followed by the negative action. Ex: 'Yes - Cancel' , 'Save - Cancel', etc. The usability has been digested into the human brain and every software designer would design an interface with 'YES' first and 'NO' second. With extensive use of windows human brain has been trained to such confirmation dialogue usability. When an confirmation dialog appears we get addicted such that everytime the first key is YES and we just click that for positive action without even bothering about what's the confirmation is all about. This is a common scenario which every computer literate would have faced. But now some software designers has revisited it for a better user than better user experience. I use Mozilla browser as a doorway to my internet access. It follows that common confirmation dialogue standard and have no complaints about that. Recently I added a flexible browser 'Firefox' to my browser list. Initially I was blown away by their feature set and options making things very easy for an internet jockey. But using that extensively I did observe that Firefox did not follow the common confirmation dialogue standard. I was very much disappointed with that usability and it was hard to train my brain for that user experience every after many pit falls. Discussing about it with my friend he pointed me to some concept, not exactly. His argument was that 'With the reversal of order, the user is made to read the message before confirmation'. This argument was excellent and I really liked it. He continued saying that this is for creation of better user than better user experience. With this new user interface, the user would come out of his addiction of just clicking the tabs with reflexes without thinking. He also pointed out that the WinZip utility never followed a sequence becoz it wanted its users to read information, messages, alerts, confirmations, etc. Now with all this experience I have turned alert with a thought than just a reflex action at many instances.
|W|P|112331823676594671|W|P|Confirmation Dialogue - for better user !|W|P|rajesh.segu@gmail.com8/08/2005 02:26:00 PM|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|I completely agree with your friend's views. As he says, it makes the reader to be cautionous about what he is doing.

But will that be User-Friendly?Once if a person gets habited with a process, he feels it inconvinient if there is a diff. Doesn't he?

That too, if im half the way, if something comes up with a No-Yes dialog and casually if i go for 'No', if goes again to starting point, think how human psychology acts!!!

-Thriveni.P8/08/2005 03:21:00 PM|W|P|Blogger RAJESH SEGU|W|P|The summary of this topic would be 'Confirmation ! User be cautious. ' Its true that the user feels inconvenient but they want user attention there instead of a blind click becoz it would be the most critical part of that system.

Anyway, users must wakeup!8/04/2005 08:40:00 PM|W|P|RAJESH SEGU|W|P|


Subscribe: jobs_mania-subscribe@yahoogroups.com Post message: jobs_mania@yahoogroups.com Owner: jobs_mania-owner@yahoogroups.com |W|P|112316824786624861|W|P|JobsMania|W|P|rajesh.segu@gmail.com8/04/2005 04:05:00 PM|W|P|RAJESH SEGU|W|P|
With Google ad banners all around my blog, no doubt, I am an 'AdSense Customer'. But I am a bit worried about their algorithm on how they tally clicks invalid. Let me start with a general scenario and then let me explain how it's worrying me. I am suffering from IP Syndrome. Generally a software company or any other company is exposed to the internet with a single IP address. I write blogs and many people working with me access it and if they find some interesting 'ads by Google' they click it for access. Everything except my Adsense balance seems to be fine. I think Google tries to use the IP address to plot the clicks and then validate them. This means any click that happened inside my company just means it has high probability to be an invalid click. This is really worrying me. Well is there anyway to come out of this syndrome. Any suggestion of medicine from Google pharmacy is always appreciated. You can save my fortune $$$$$$.
|W|P|112315205813609786|W|P|AdSense! I am loosing $$$$|W|P|rajesh.segu@gmail.com8/03/2005 07:53:00 PM|W|P|RAJESH SEGU|W|P|
Blogs are Internet-based journals. These journals are different from traditional journals in several ways. First, blogs are public. Others are invited to look at the blogger's thoughts and opinions on a regular basis. Blogs are hyperactive. This means that blogs can link to other Web sites. If a blogger has read an article on the Internet that he thinks others should read, the blogger can make a comment on the article and link readers directly to it. This allows the blogger and readers to have access to the same materials on the Internet and enter into a discussion about them. Well what do we have after blogging, is that the end? Many articles speak about moblogs, photo-blogs, etc which are just branches of blogging. But what extra can blogs accomidate to give that extra dimension to an blogger's personality???? Blogs in brief represent the personality of a blogger, may it be an individual or a group . Seeing www.timyang.com one would infer that the person appreciates innovation and creativity and if by chance one would come across www.googleblogscope.com he would know that it mostly speaks about Google and related innovations. Each blog tries to give picture of the blogger's interests, opinions, attitude and concerns. My concept in flat, 'Blogging at the next level can co-exist with Bookmarking'. In other words, Bookmarking has the power to act complementary to Blogs. Bookmarking is a act where the user store a link with a legible label for later recall or frequest access. Social bookmarking has been the recent trend over the web. Here users bookmark web links to recall or save something interesting or share with his friends or access frequently. Doesn't this sound overlapping the advantages of what blogs have for its user's? The main difference being that in blogs you write heavy weight articles/opinions/ideas/etc but in bookmarking you write a self-explanatory one liner tag. So there is something common both achieve i.e., show people what the user is interested in and their ideas. Each of them have been created to address different uses but we find something in common,i.e., they add an extra dimension to an user. So blogging and bookmarking with this overlap can co-exist. Most of us have the habit of following blogs to update us with different attitudes, opinions, science&technology, latest information, etc. I personally look into various profolic blogs, like O'Reilly's and Shared Spaces. Such profolic blogger would not have enough time to write everything they find interesting or amazing around in the net. They being choosy, we are loosing lots of valuable information. This is common with every blogger around. Personally I find a lot of amazing and interesting stuff around in the net but feel very choosy at writing in my blogs creating a gap in sharing information. Bookmarking is idle to fill this gap. With this power of bookmarking eachone has the power to instantly bookmark a link with a legible tag and share it with the audience visiting his blog. Hence bookmarking acts complementary to blogs. Bookmarks gives an extra dimension to the Blogs. Public Blogs with a blend of Social Bookmarking has unlimited advantage of sharing much more interesting and amazing links of the web. Thus, initiating a new way of blogging!!!!!!!! All the above idea converges into an intelligent combination of Public Blogs and Social Bookmarks. Coupling here can be of two ways, Tight Integration: Tight integration in short is having both blogs and bookmarking in the same tool/service. A dedicated application has to be developed which has both the functionalities sharing its resources. Tighter integration can be achieved by Blogging service's introducing a social bookmarking tool or a social bookmarking service introducing a blogging tool. Loose Integration: Loose integration is an immediate solution that social bookmarking sites can provide. They can think of providing some Java Script which fetches the recent bookmarks by that individual. Most people maintain their own blogs and many others depends on service's like Blogger.com for their blogs. In both these cases they have control over the design of their blog page. So simple java script API would be handy for many people to share bookmarks easily. A search box,that can be embedded, would add more value. The credit for this idea goes to Google Maps API and AdSense script. Bookmarking services look for an loose integration to engulf the blogging community but the Blogging services would like to have a tighter integration to make themselves popular. Waiting to see which commet strikes the internet world first.
|W|P|112308017580834470|W|P|'Bookmarking' - complementary to Blogging|W|P|rajesh.segu@gmail.com8/04/2005 02:14:00 PM|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|Bloggers main intension is not only to publish blogger's findings from net or some other sources, it also provides us a room of discussion on that topic.

It provides us to discuss different ideas on same concept and make us to analyse which will be better one.

But with bookmarking features, how can we reach this type of discussion.

-Thriveni.P8/04/2005 03:19:00 PM|W|P|Blogger RAJESH SEGU|W|P|Well said Triveni!

Blogs are for discussion, I agree but I am more worried about the information they have left unsaid. Generally bloggers dont write everything they find interesting or every major thought, they are choosy at those becoz of time constraint. Mind you, these missed ideas are also valuable but left unsaid.

For example, take me, I come across many sites which interests me, but I rarely blog and write my opinions becoz I am my work to do for my living.

I have never said bookmarking replaces blogs but its only complementry finishing the pie. Bookmarking adds an extradimension to the blogger and can serve more to the blog audience.8/04/2005 03:49:00 PM|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|I am also not saying that Bookmarking replaces Blog. Let me explain my doubt.

What i mean to say is If my blogging contains the book marks for other links, then readers can go through them selectively. After going through the topic, they can come back to discuss the same through the blogging.

So, there should be possibility for this type of interface. Simply to say it is like going through the index of a book, if they get interested in a particular topic, they can go through them and come back to same to discuss about what they read. But here the index is beautified and made userfriendly using book marking.

As im new to this blog world,I like to know about the technology they use for blogging and bookmarking, so that i can think how to make a bridge between them.

Thriveni P8/04/2005 04:37:00 PM|W|P|Blogger RAJESH SEGU|W|P|Hai Thriveni!

Your idea of having 'reading going through the bookmarks selectively according to blogs content" is good. Generally all the bloggers would give all the links they are refering to or discussing about in the blog itself. If not there is bookmarking search and more to that Google which will help people find their related content, so I dont expect an interface for that.

By searching you can find content related to the blog. So thats not great deal, but I wont complaint if there is one such interface.

Many times, you find great links through others pointers.I am imagining this social bookmarking as one such sharing medium when added to blogs. Let me give you one key, you wont have time to discuss everything you find on the net so it would be better if they social bookmark them and educate their audiance.

Blog is there for expression but when you dont have time to express just point out to your audiance instead of neglecting it. This is the extra dimension I was talking about.

With this example I think everythig would become clear. Thriveni, most of the time you ask me whats hot happening and then I try to say you something, remember that every hot thing cannot be discussed on the blog. So personally I pass you those links and try to educate you. Say I had social bookmark along with my blogs, I can bookmark every hot link and just ask you to browse that. Now you browse everything I missed in my blog. The gap is thus filled.

'Something is better that nothing'.8/05/2005 10:58:00 AM|W|P|Blogger RAJESH SEGU|W|P|Mike,

RSS would be great as an interface. But I think would not know how to manipulate RSS instead Java Script an universal interactive script has make things very easy with just an API call. Even designing using Java Script is very easy when compared to RSS.

If I am missing something about RSS and its strength, don't forget to educate me.

Anyway the idea of Blog flavoured bookmarking would mean Blinklist will become more 'hot'.8/01/2005 08:52:00 PM|W|P|RAJESH SEGU|W|P|
Bookmarking + Tagging for Desktop's [If you are very clear about Bookmarking and Tagging, please skip to 'IDEA'] Bookmarking simply means storing any link[browser accessible] for user's later reference. In layman words bookmarking is similar to shortcuts on windows os. Bookmarking technology, generally offered by browsers are difficult to organize, maintain and synchronize, has reached next level through a concept of 'Social Bookmarking' with internet as medium. This internet bookmarking has attracted the major pie of the internet users. These bookmarking sites provide a tool(a simple link) which can be drag dropped onto the browser to become a personal bookmark it. If we feel like internet bookmarking a particular site of your interest just press the personal bookmark link which inturn asks you to fill a tag and saves. Tag, adds legible meaning, is primarily used to search through those bookmarks. Simplicity here is that bookmarks are powered by humans and search is also powered by human described tags. Want to know more about Tagging? Visit http://segu.blogspot.com/2005/07/desktopsearch-tagging-next-big-thing.html Just try out 'blinklist' for a better understanding on 'social bookmarking'. As Tagging and Bookmarking are now familiar, let me get ahead presenting my idea. Bookmarking+Tagging for Desktops is a subset of mother concept 'DesktopSearch+Tagging'. This mother concept has already been elaborated in my previous blog post. IDEA: Links over the web has been the blood and nerves of Bookmarking and Tagging tools till today. Now lets extend the technology of bookmarking and tagging to the files/content existing in your personal computer. Bookmarking extending to files/folders is trying to remember an important file or folder over a system. Tagging the bookmarks with legible labels ensures an easy human understandable search. I would better explain this with 'BOOTAG' my new widget/application idea for this concept. BOOTAG is an widget or an application tool which can be downloaded from our imaginary site and installed in your windows system. Now the computer is equipped with the strength of Bookmarking and Tagging. Files/Folders can be bookmarked by just right clicking and selecting 'bookmark' and a nice catchy window appears allowing the user to enter his legible tag/label. The bookmarked files/folders are instantly indexed for better search quality. A catchy 'search box' is placed just hugging the start button or at any position one feels comfortable. :-) On performing a search, all the results relating to the tag are listed/grouped making the user just one click away from access. Its might sound very simple/silly tool but I believe it has the power of touching every home/personal computer. A little more sugar to this innovation would make this the sweetest. Here is my tool BOOTAG. This widget with a proper blend of Konfbulator would turn real magical. I have hurried though this post and this is just the start of my small innovative tool. With more better ideas this tool can reach the computer masses.So, feel free to add your comments, [re]marks and opinions.
|W|P|112291121549194754|W|P|Bookmarking+Tagging for Desktops|W|P|rajesh.segu@gmail.com