RSS, a syndication technology, one among the most buzzed word recently in the internet community. This was my perception but the survey stats tell a different story.
10/18/2005 11:26:00 AM|W|P|RAJESH SEGU|W|P|President APJ Abdul Kalam has expressed concern about a free mapping programme from Google Inc warning it could help terrorists by providing satellite photos of potential targets.
Google Earth, an Internet site launched in June this year, allows users to access satellite photos. Although not all areas are highly detailed, some images are very high resolution, and some show sensitive locations in various countries.
At a meeting Saturday of top police officials in Hyderabad, Kalam said he worried that "developing countries, which are already in danger of terrorist attacks, have been singularly chosen" for providing high resolution images of their sites.
The governments of South Korea and Thailand and lawmakers in the Netherlands have expressed similar concerns.
South Korean newspapers said Google Earth provides images of the presidential Blue House and military bases in the country, which remains technically at war with communist North Korea. The North's main nuclear facility at Yongbyon is among sites in that country displayed on the service.
The Google site contains clear aerial photos of Parliament House, the Rashtrapati Bhawan and surrounding government offices in New Delhi. There are also some clear shots of defence establishments in India.
Debbie Frost, a spokeswoman for Mountain View, California-based Google, noted that the software uses information already available from public sources and the images displayed are about one to two years' old, not shown in real time.
"Google takes governmental concerns about Google Earth and Google Maps very seriously. Google welcomes dialogue with governments, and we will be happy to talk to Indian authorities about any concerns they may have," Frost said in an e-mail statement on Saturday.
President Kalam called for new laws to restrain dissemination of such material. He said existing laws in some countries regarding spatial observations of their territory and the United Nations' recommendations on the practice are inadequate.
courtesy: HindustanTimes
Our beloved president Abdul Kalam looks very concerned about the possible raport between the terrorists and Google Earth. His consern over developing nations security is valid and Google must take permission from every government about what it can show and what now. At last don't blame me if you don't find land on Google Earth. One second, why don't developing countries make the best use of this software to find militant camps and militant training centers and destroy them. Nice idea, right!
|W|P|112961598493593312|W|P|Google Earth - Security Concerns for India|W|P|rajesh.segu@gmail.com10/19/2005 03:02:00 AM|W|P| Abhishek Chatterjee|W|P|Hi,
I posted my own views on this topic at my blog
See, as you can analyse by using the software that only selected areas of land are shown in clarity i.e. High resolution. Forget about Kashmir or terrorist camps, even Islamabad and Karachi show up as blotches.
From India, we have four cities with high resolution coverage. Even those photos are two years old so doesnt hold much importance.10/19/2005 12:21:00 PM|W|P| RAJESH SEGU|W|P|Thanks for this wonderful pointer Neo. Everything seems to be more valid except the fact that our beloved president is a visionist who is giving thought to the future he is always worried about. Hope thinking in this direction threats and security riks are very much possible.
Nice to get in touch with you yar.10/15/2005 07:17:00 PM|W|P|RAJESH SEGU|W|P|One reading a 'BLOG' would never need an introduction to email nor the importance of message filters. Email message filter's in short saves a lot of time automating rules to decide the destination of every incoming mail.
At office, I mostly stick to my Mozilla thick client which is pretty fast and each incoming mail is altered with a 'ting' sound. I love many features in my client which I find missing in their online counterparts. One I am missing the most is the 'Run Now' feature of the message filters.
In general with the help of message filter one can start imposing rules on the incoming mails which remains very handy. The only concern is that it will never take care of the tons of mails which are already residing in one's mailbox. Filters after creating only appears to be active with the next incoming mail deserting their older friends. This means one cannot run a filter over the older mails.
Many thick clients have a feature called 'Run Now' under the message filters which can run filters over the various folders containing mails since its birth. Isn't this a cool feature! I checked GMail, Yahoo and MSN without any luck. Interestingly GMail had a feature 'Test Filter' which tests the filter against the existing mails but it does not update them accordingly.
Say, I have to update my message filter to include a new subject but I have already many mails with them residing in my inbox. Even after I create a new filter the older mails need to be sorted out using 'Run Now' which the online client in never bothered about.
There exists many lessons untouched which the web clients can educate themselves from the thicker ones.
|W|P|112938754887018319|W|P|Message Filter + 'RunNow'|W|P|rajesh.segu@gmail.com10/14/2005 06:23:00 PM|W|P|RAJESH SEGU|W|P|
Hope everyone must have similar imaginations about Google.
Peronally, I feel like Google and Yahoo and Microsoft are entering into the world war 3 of internet space. With Google innovating top to bottom, Yahoo is trying to keep up the phase by speeding up its releases and services, but Microsoft is concentrating on a different segment. May the best win and let all the others rest in peace, amen!
PS: This image was taken from the NewYork Times.
|W|P|112929646975975854|W|P|Google 2084|W|P|rajesh.segu@gmail.com10/14/2005 11:55:00 AM|W|P|RAJESH SEGU|W|P|Hello Friends,
It has been a long time since I have revamped my blog. Many visitors/friends including me felt that my blog was taking a lot of time to load onto the browser. Soon I identified that my blog had many elements like counters, java script, images, rss feed, etc loading everytime my blog page refreshed. I sat back prioritizing every feature my blog had and concluded that I could not miss even one. Brainstorming I got to an idea of introducing menu under my blog. Doesn't this sound interesting?
1. NeoCounter: Gives stats of visitors with respect to their geographical location.
2. Menu Bar: The major revamp has been menu creation. It sounds terrific but the underneath code looks very silly. But anyway if you want to hack this just right click and view source.
3. Translate: Today blog remains to be the face of any computer literate. So international audience are expected now and then, so felt the importance of translate tool and its done.
Just surf through my blogs menu on the top below the heading and make use of the translate option on the right hand side of the blog. Soon or later I wish to convert this blog into my personal website. Surprisingly that is possible with the concept of menu's, .....!
|W|P|112927280890231221|W|P|'My World' - revamp|W|P|rajesh.segu@gmail.com10/12/2005 01:52:00 PM|W|P|RAJESH SEGU|W|P|Google has some interesting thoughts to express. Just try,
1. Open
2. Type "failure" [ in quotes ] and click 'I'm feeling Lucky"
The first result would tell the whole joke.
Have a nice time.|W|P|112910557630417540|W|P|Google's ans. to "failure"|W|P|rajesh.segu@gmail.com10/05/2005 06:30:00 PM|W|P|RAJESH SEGU|W|P|An interesting and informative write up on Web2.0 is available at the OreillyNet . This article covers a clean overview on the history,technology,evolution, exsisting adoptors and future dimensions. Must read for people who dare to dream of becomming next generation rulers of this internet era.
At the first glance, I got impressed with this;
Web 2.0 by example:
Web 1.0 |
| Web 2.0 |
DoubleClick | --> | Google AdSense |
Ofoto | --> | Flickr |
Akamai | --> | BitTorrent | | --> | Napster |
Britannica Online | --> | Wikipedia |
personal websites | --> | blogging |
evite | --> | and EVDB |
domain name speculation | --> | search engine optimization |
page views | --> | cost per click |
screen scraping | --> | web services |
publishing | --> | participation |
content management systems | --> | wikis |
directories (taxonomy) | --> | tagging ("folksonomy") |
stickiness | --> | syndication |
|W|P|112851791743425087|W|P|What Is Web 2.0|W|P|rajesh.segu@gmail.com10/04/2005 09:02:00 PM|W|P|RAJESH SEGU|W|P|Forbes has identified Top 20 Brands that were both growing fast and being innovative giving very less importance to the stake they hold. Here goes the list
1. Apple
2. Black Berry
3. Google
5. Yahoo
6. EBay
7. Red Bull
8. StarBucks
9. Pixar
10. Coach
For total list visit
Intersting observation is that the Top10 list includes 5 technology companies and 4 online retail goods companies. This proves that technology and retail goods play a vital role in every walk of human life.
|W|P|112844144082587710|W|P|Top Brands! -|W|P|rajesh.segu@gmail.com10/04/2005 12:18:00 PM|W|P|RAJESH SEGU|W|P|List of people who wished me on my B'Day 2nd Oct:
1. Dad and Mom: Called me from New Delhi, as they were on Badrinath Yatra.
2. Brother: Prakash, called me as soon as he came out of the theater after night show.
3. Chaitu: college mate, my room mate, my best friend and my colleague.
4. Pradeep: college mate now pursuing his MTech at IIT.
5. Triveni: god given sister and dear friend.
6. RamGopal: My senior at college. An unexpected call but felt very happy to chat with my old friend.
7. Ramji: room mate and office colleague and nice friend.
8. Divakar: school mate and working in the same city. Fortunately it was his birthday too.
9. RamDev: colleague at office and belong to the same region geographically.
10. Anand: ex-room mate and nice kid.
11. Veena: best friend since my schooling.
12. Sreelakshmi: school mate and first to get married among my school friends.
13. Sai Ram Reddy: one among the best friends in college and nice gentle man personally.
14. Varun: room mate at college and fun loving person.
15. Bindu Jahnavi: sister and very close to me. But I don't call her 'akka'!
16. Sarath Babu: best friend in college and are together for the past 7 years.
17. Bindu: unique friend since my college days. We call her 'kothi'.
18. Chandi: college mate and one among my friends.
19. Vignesh: friend and room mate and colleague.
20. Parthi: friend and room mate and colleague.
21. Archana: sister and we hate each other as much as we love each other.
Sorry, if I missed out some names. Any more waiting to wish me, can continue by appending your wishes to the comments.
Thank you!
|W|P|112841059725213454|W|P|B'Day Wishes!|W|P|