2/01/2006 10:37:00 AM|W|P|RAJESH SEGU|W|P|The number of web services flooding the internet has increased day by day. When I first came to know about web2.0 , ajax and other related things a year ago I had to search for services while the options were limited. But as time passed by number of services grew exponentially making it difficult for the internet community to even keep track. Today Internet. t is flooded with cool services, and expecting a Tsunami soon, making it very difficult for you to actually choose one. Every week a clone of an idea is released and marketed with a different vision. None can ever bring in regulations into this democratic entity, that's for sure.
Leaving this fact here, every service has its own authentication making it very difficult for the user to keep track of details. I personally am really vexed up when ever I have to login into the service to use it. I am against it in every means and I had a chat with my colleague regarding this which directed us to many ideas, some worthful and some silly. Here it goes
1. Cookie based Authentication:
Today this surely is the solution with the existing infrastructure. A indefinite cookie placed in your browser can allow you to access the service without any authentication any number of times from the same browser same system. This would be a boon to people with their personal systems but what about the floating population accessing computer where ever they can. Mind you, many services target the floating internet citizens. So, do you agree this as a complete solution?????
2. Single Sign On[SSO]:
Yes, this has recently hit the enterprise segment with a big bang and the enterprise users have fallen in love with them. Extending this can also be applied to the internet. Just imagine a reliable third party managing login process all over the internet or parts of internet. The SSO service provider can just provide decent API flexible enough to take care of the whole authentication process. Wouldn't you love marching into the service rather than regularly get interrupted with login screens. I know this is a dream for me but might be a vision for someone. I know adopting this would raise many security issues and I leave it to the experts to fulfill my dream.
3. Browser Plugin:
Its a silly idea but can work out with some constraints. Suppose you had a browser plugin which would detect whether you have been authenticated and does it automatically for you. Its not that difficult to come up with a model working but I doubt whether it would suite every service existing. Not forgetting the floating population, say a small service which would store your usrname/pwd and you just download the plugin from them and then on you won't have any interruptions at all. May be this needs a detailed post which I would do when I find time. Experts, you might be handy here!!!!!
4. Symatic Browser:
How about a browser which would take care of all the authentication process. Well its not that easy without any standards and its no small thing for me to even dream about. But my heart would suggest redefining the browser into symantic browser or intelligent browser would solve hell lot of issues over the internet. Anyone dreaming or with a vision?? If I dare to dream I would surely post my idea's here.
5. USB Key or Thumb or Iris Authentication:
I know all this sounds James Bond Style. With already millions of computer devices hanging everywhere I don't want to discuss this any further. Hope I am correct! Any corrections?
Next logical step, SSO, is a dream over the internet today but believe me someone's heart and soul might be working on it seriously. I wish them all the best and would like to say that he is not alone.
I know I am not an expert at any of these but tried my best to give shape to my idea's.
|W|P|113877061897229109|W|P|Login Login Login......|W|P|rajesh.segu@gmail.com2/01/2006 04:49:00 PM|W|P| Nirek|W|P|Hey man, I too suffer a lot becos of multiple login in multiple sites. Its sickening at times.
Hope SSO comes to life soon in big way!
btw....single login to yahoo group of services or single login to google group of services is a microcosm of SSO right??2/02/2006 11:50:00 AM|W|P| RAJESH SEGU|W|P|Hey, every one on the internet is a victim today. Yes, Google/Yahoo maintaining a single account is a shorter version of SSO. I didn't mention this in my post only becoz it would automatically flash to every internet user.
Anyway, I wish Google/Yahoo/MS would have something cooking. Any ideas??????