3/28/2006 04:24:00 PM|W|P|RAJESH SEGU|W|P|
Just like to get reminded of what you want but don't want to do. Try out Hassle Me . I reminds me of my late grandmaa who always used to come back of me whenever I didn't want to do something good. She always insisted me on applying oil to hair, eat fruits, have manners, stop watching T.V., pray god every morning, etc......... I really miss her a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't forget to reply me on what this service reminded you.
|W|P|114354542614139851|W|P|Hassle Me!|W|P|rajesh.segu@gmail.com3/28/2006 03:21:00 PM|W|P|RAJESH SEGU|W|P|
I recall my physics teacher who explained me what a light year was. It took me almost 2years to visualize what actually it is and what for it was used. With all that clear, this term 'Web Year' has again got me into questions. What is 'Web Year'? The pace of change of web is coined as 'Web Year'. At present a Web Year equals 2.6months.

It seems a very specific figure! I don't know who made up that number. It was an expression of the acceleration people felt during the early 1990s. Compared even to the development of the phone or TV, the Web developed very quickly.

I think it is now coming to the end of its adolescence, maturing after a phase of testing its boundaries. Even phishing and spam have been part of its education.

In the past you’d have restrictions, like finding books saying that you needed to design Websites that fit an 800 x 600 pixel screen. Now that people understand standards and business more they know there's always another browser round the corner and the view of Web and its technology is maturing accordingly.

Courtesy: Tim Berners-Lee [ Wondering? He is the founder of Internet! ] One more interesting thought Tim had in mind was....
Looking back on 15 years or so of development of the Web is there anything you would do differently given the chance? I would have skipped on the double slash - there's no need for it. Also I would have put the domain name in the reverse order - in order of size so, for example, the BCS address would read: http:uk/org/bcs/members. This would mean the BCS could have one server for the whole site or have one specific to members and the URL wouldn't have to be different.|W|P|114354029866461864|W|P|Web Year|W|P|rajesh.segu@gmail.com3/23/2006 11:06:00 AM|W|P|RAJESH SEGU|W|P|

He loved her But married another One became the wife The other became the password!

|W|P|114309228462826961|W|P|IT Guys ......|W|P|rajesh.segu@gmail.com3/23/2006 11:15:00 AM|W|P|Blogger Sumithra|W|P|I liked it :)3/28/2006 09:51:00 AM|W|P|Anonymous Anonymous|W|P|thats really hilarious; in fact, not just funny but also very poignant3/21/2006 11:33:00 AM|W|P|RAJESH SEGU|W|P|
Here is the full story. HRIC "Human Rights in China (HRIC) has learned that Shandong-based dissident Ren Zhiyuan was sentenced to 10 years in prison for “subversion of state power” on the basis of an article posted on the Internet. The verdict and sentence were delivered on the morning of March 17, Beijing time." So, be-aware friends, think twice before you start blogging/writing/speaking . One cannot really understand how much their fate can hate them. I am really moved by this incident and I wish god to give Ren Zhiyan all the support. Thats it for now. Just started thinking twice becoz I don't want to land up in a chinese...............! Search Google if you find this topic interesting.
|W|P|114292154492460727|W|P|Sentenced for 10 years!!!!|W|P|rajesh.segu@gmail.com3/20/2006 09:24:00 PM|W|P|RAJESH SEGU|W|P|

Dreaming of entrepreneurship, your own start up, venture fund, .... , here is a nice article I have extracted from the net which is worth remembering to get started. So go ahead reading...

To me, startup offices are like faces – they communicate what is going on in the inside. Of course, they convey an intentional outward expression, like a face does. But they also reveal subtle cues about a company’s core, just as a face does, too.

The importance of picking up on these indications helps us as VCs get to know companies better. Don’t get me wrong – there isn’t one “right way” that companies’ offices should look. Quite the contrary. Just as all startups are different, their offices should be different as well. I think that the key is that the environment in which start-up employees work should match that of the company’s story and culture.

When I’ve seen companies who claim to be extremely frugal and their surroundings match that proposition, my expectations are perfectly aligned with the situation. In the same vein, I’ve visited gaming entertainment companies that have had vintage gaming and arcade paraphernalia strategically-placed as apropos decor. Also, I’ve visited firms poised for explosive growth have empty desks and room to spare, which makes a lot of sense. And finally, I’ve seen young startups just getting off the ground sharing space with other startups in an effort to leverage common resources and share knowledge/expertise. All of these are just examples demonstrating how the current internal situation of a company is appropriately and authentically reflected in its external work environment.

A startup's office directly speaks to prospective & current employees, customers, and investors. Not only does it communicate an outward and explicit message, but like a face, it provides insight into what's going on underneath the surface.

|W|P|114287096431261664|W|P|StartUp Offices are Like Faces....|W|P|rajesh.segu@gmail.com3/17/2006 11:56:00 PM|W|P|RAJESH SEGU|W|P|
With the advent of AJAX, the semantic web has evolved with greater response time and higher functionality resulting in transformation of almost all traditional desktop applications into web based applications. With the gap between web and desktop applications getting closer by the day, the viewable area is a major concern. Traditional desktop applications provide users with more viewable/editable area unlike the web applications which have to function within a browser. A normal browser occupies almost 20% of the viewable area, while a browser with plugins and toolbars installed can occupy as much as 30%. Doesn't this sound unfair? Here is a simple tip: To work with web applications the traditional desktop way, try out "Full Screen Mode" of the browser. For Mozilla/FireFox: Press F11 for the full screen mode. To revert back to normal mode press F11 again. For IE: Press F11. You will still have the toolbar at the top. To hide the toolbar, right-click & choose the Auto-hide option. When you move with the mouse near the top of the screen the toolbar will automatically show itself again. To get back from full screen mode to normal mode, press F11 again. Try using Zoho suite in the "Full Screen Mode" & you will really fall in love with them. They are wonderful set of applications that would make us better organize our daily routine.
|W|P|114262014077728821|W|P|F11 - Access Web applications the traditional way.....|W|P|rajesh.segu@gmail.com3/15/2006 07:19:00 PM|W|P|RAJESH SEGU|W|P|
I am working on an open source platform which really makes me feel "Bull S-h-i-t" by the end of the day. No proper documentation, no proper code snippets, forums very irresponsive to code level details, buggy modules, stall every release has been a common traits of this open source thing I am hacking everyday. Believe me everyday I end up with "Thank God! I could trick this out randomly". I write a lot of so called java code ( I have to call it like that).I understand that there are no hard and fast rules for open source and it takes time to stabilize and I am badly waiting for it to happen, may be, tomorrow. Recently koders.com has become my lifeline. Its a code level search engine. It has indexed a lot of open source projects around the web to enable wider scope of results . Search results can be filtered against the type of licensed code you are searching for. This is a very important feature that helps organizations which really rely on LGPL code. You can even download the code and browse through the project folders. In addition , Koders highlights that searched text in yellow which makes life more easier becoz I need not do a second search with CTRL+F. If you are a open source developer , koders.com can help you out. Just my recommendation
|W|P|114243163017027150|W|P|Koders - OS Developers Life Line|W|P|rajesh.segu@gmail.com3/21/2006 02:04:00 PM|W|P|Blogger Abhishek Chatterjee|W|P|Hey dude!
I needed something like that desperately! thanx for pointing it out in your blog.